CSMR 2013 takes place in Genova (Italy), the city of lighthouse.

Software Engineering Research Group at DIBRIS, University of Genova.

Facebook: CSMR-2013

Industrial Track
The aims of Industrial Track is to share experience and knowledge out of industrial projects, to address challenges and foster new collaborations. Papers discuss industrial practice, collaboration between industry and academia, and experience reports describing problems (and their solutions) encountered in real applications.
Thursday, March 7, 2013, from 11:00 to 12:30Session Chair: Joost Visser
Steve Counsell, Guy Fitzgerald and Jason Peters.
A Study of Web Maintenance in an Industrial Setting
Javier Pérez, Tom Mens and Flora Kamseu.
A Pilot Study on Software Quality Practices in Belgian Industry
Josef Pichler.
Extraction of Documentation from Fortran 90 Source Code: An Industrial Experience