17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
March 5–8, 2013, Genova, Italy
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Accepted Papers
Accepted Full Papers
Forster Thomas, Thorsten Keuler, Jens Knodel and Michael-Christian Becker.
Dealing with Component Dependencies Hidden by Frameworks - An Industrial Experience Report
Pamela Bhattacharya, Liudmila Ulanova, Iulian Neamtiu and Sai Charan Koduru.
An Empirical Analysis of the Bug-fixing Process in Open Source Android Apps
Roberto Minelli and Michele Lanza.
Software Analytics for Mobile Applications - Insights & Lessons Learned
Johannes Lerch and Mira Mezini.
Finding Duplicates of Your Yet Unwritten Bug Report
Bernhard J. Berger, Karsten Sohr and Rainer Koschke.
Extracting and Analyzing the Implemented Security Architecture of Business Applications
Surafel Lemma Abebe and Paolo Tonella.
Automated Identifier Completion and Replacement
Luca Ponzanelli, Alberto Bacchelli and Michele Lanza.
Leveraging Crowd Knowledge for Software Comprehension and Development
Etienne Duclos, Sébastien Le Digabel, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc and Bram Adams.
ACRE: An Automated Aspect Creator for Testing C++ Applications
Quinten David Soetens, Serge Demeyer and Andy Zaidman.
Change-Based Test Selection in the Presence of Developer Tests
Natalia Negara, Nikolaos Tsantalis and Eleni Stroulia.
Feature detection in Ajax-enabled web applications
Didi Surian, Yuan Tian, David Lo, Hong Cheng and Ee-Peng Lim.
Predicting Project Outcome Leveraging Socio-Technical Network Patterns
Aminata Sabané, Massimiliano Di Penta, Giuliano Antoniol and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
A Study on the Relation Between Antipatterns and the Cost of Class Unit Testing
Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Ferdian Thung, Shaowei Wang, David Lo, Lingxiao Jiang and Laurent Réveillčre.
Empirical Evaluation of Bug Linking
Markus Borg, Dietmar Pfahl and Per Runeson.
Analysing Networks of Issue Reports
Pooyan Jamshidi, Mohammad Ghafari, Aakash Ahmad and Claus Pahl.
A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Architecture-Centric Software Evolution Research
Venera Arnaoudova, Massimiliano Di Penta, Giuliano Antoniol and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
A New Family of Software Anti-Patterns: Linguistic Anti-Patterns
John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark Van Den Brand.
Analyzing the Eclipse API Usage: Putting the Developer in the Loop
Mauricio Aniche, Gustavo Oliva and Marco Gerosa.
What Do The Asserts in a Unit Test Tell Us About Code Quality? A Study on Open Source and Industrial Projects
Steffen Lehnert, Qurat-Ul-Ann Farooq and Matthias Riebisch.
Rule-based Impact Analysis for Heterogeneous Software Artifacts
Adam Przybylek.
Quasi-controlled experimentations on the impact of AOP on software evolvability
Fehmi Jaafar, Salima Hassaine, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Sylvie Hamel and Bram Adams.
Program Evolution and Bug-proneness: An Empirical Study
Ali Ouni, Marouane Kessentini and Houari Sahraoui.
Search-based Refactoring Using Recorded Code Changes
Annibale Panichella, Collin McMillan, Evan Moritz, Davide Palmieri, Rocco Oliveto, Denys Poshyvanyk and Andrea De Lucia.
Using Structural Information and User Feedback to Improve IR-based Traceability Recovery
Shaowei Wang, David Lo and Lingxiao Jiang.
Understanding Widespread Changes: A Taxonomic Study
Isela Macia, Alessandro Garcia, Christina Chavez and Arndt von Staa.
Enhancing the Detection of Code Anomalies with Architecture-Sensitive Strategies
Yael Dubinsky, Julia Rubin, Thorsten Berger, Slawomir Duszynski, Martin Becker and Krzysztof Czarnecki.
An Exploratory Study of Cloning in Industrial Software Product Lines
Venkata Krishna Suhas Nerella, Sanjay Madria and Thomas Weigert.
An Approach for Optimization of Object Queries on Collections using Annotations
Daniel German, Bram Adams and Ahmed E. Hassan.
Programming Language Ecosystems: the Evolution of R
Harry Sneed and Stephan Sneed.
Migrating from AS400-COBOL to Java
Accepted ERA Papers
Petru F. Mihancea and Cristina Marinescu.
Changes, Defects and Polymorphism: is there any Correlation?
Pavneet Singh Kochhar, Tegawende F. Bissyande, David Lo and Lingxiao Jiang.
Adoption of Software Testing in Open Source Projects - A Preliminary Study on 50,000 Projects
Ferdian Thung, Tegawendé Bissyandé, David Lo and Lingxiao Jiang.
Network Structure of Social Coding in GitHub
Carmine Gravino, Giuseppe Scanniello and Genny Tortora.
An Early Investigation on the Contribution of Class and Sequence Diagrams in Source Code Comprehension Tasks
Kamil Jezek, Lukas Holy and Premek Brada.
Supplying Compiler's Static Compatibility Checks by the Analysis of Third-party Libraries
Korbinian Molitorisz.
Pattern-based refactorization of sequential source code
Ahmed Lamkanfi and Serge Demeyer.
Predicting Reassignments of Bug Reports — an Exploratory Investigation
Yui Sasaki, Yoshiki Higo and Shinji Kusumoto.
Reordering Program Statements for Improving Readability
Zoltán Tóth, Gábor Novák, Rudolf Ferenc and István Siket.
Using Version Control History to Follow the Changes of Source Code Elements
Giuseppe Scanniello, Carmine Gravino, Ugo Erra and Giuseppe Caggianese.
Using the GPU to Green an Intensive and Massive Computation System
Reinout Stevens, Coen De Roover, Carlos Noguera and Viviane Jonckers.
A History Querying Tool and its Application to Detect Multi-version Refactorings
Shadi Ghaith.
Profile-based, Load-Independent Bug Detection and Analysis in Regression Testing of Software Systems
Béla Csaba, Lajos Schrettner, Árpád Beszédes, Judit Jász, Péter Hegedus and Tibor Gyimóthy.
Relating Clusterization Measures and Software Quality
Xin Xia, David Lo, Xinyu Wang, Xiaohu Yang, Shanping Li and Jianling Sun.
A Comparative Study of Supervised Learning Algorithms for Re-opened Bug Prediction
Hiroshi Kazato, Shinpei Hayashi, Takashi Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Oshima, Satoshi Okada, Shunsuke Miyata, Takashi Hoshino and Motoshi Saeki.
Incremental Feature Location and Identification in Source Code
Theodoros Polychniatis, Eric Bouwers, Joost Visser, Jurriaan Hage and Slinger Roijackers.
Detecting cross-language dependencies generically
Michele Risi, Giuseppe Scanniello and Genoveffa Tortora.
Jaroslav Šnajberk, Lukas Holy and Premek Brada.
Visualization of Component-Based Applications Structure using AIVA
Fabio Melillo, Gerardo Canfora and Alessandro Borriello.
Migrating Android applications towards service-centric architectures with Sip2Share
M. Waseem Asghar, Alessandro Marchetto, Angelo Susi and Giuseppe Scanniello.
Maintainability-based Requirements Prioritization by using Artifacts Traceability and Code Metrics
Giuseppe Scanniello, Anna Tolve, Licio Mazzeo and Raffaele Branda.
Linking E-Mails and Source Code with LASCO
Accepted European Project Papers
Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon and Alexander Egyed.
SBSE4VM: Search Based Software Engineering for Variability Management
Ricardo Perez-Castillo, Ignacio García-Rodríguez de Guzmán and Mario Piattini.
MIMOS. System Model-Driven Migration Project
Tao Peng, Giampaolo Armellin, Dario Betti, Annamaria Chiasera, Tefo James Toai and Marco Ronchetti.
MDO: framework for context-aware process mobility in building-maintenance domain
Cristina Marinescu and Dana Petcu.
Quality Assessment in the Cloud: is it worthwhile?
Alessandra Bagnato, Andrey Sadovykh, Etienne Brosse and Tanja Vos.
The OMG UML Testing Profile in use - An industrial case study for the Future Internet testing.
Muhammad Ali, Hana Chockler, Giovanni Denaro, Grigory Fedyukovich, Antti Hyvärinen, Meijia Ling, Leonardo Mariani, Manuel Oriol, Ajitha Rajan, Ondrej Sery, Natasha Sharygina and Michael Tautschnig.
PINCETTE - Validating Changes and Upgrades in Networked Software
Alexander Bergmayr, Hugo Bruneliere, Javier Luis Canovas Izquierdo, Jesus Gorronogoitia, George Kousiouris, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Philip Langer, Andreas Menychtas, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Clara Pezuela and Manuel Wimmer.
Migrating Legacy Software to the Cloud with ARTIST
Accepted Industrial Papers
Steve Counsell, Guy Fitzgerald and Jason Peters.
A Study of Web Maintenance in an Industrial Setting
Javier Pérez, Tom Mens and Flora Kamseu.
A Pilot Study on Software Quality Practices in Belgian Industry
Josef Pichler.
Extraction of Documentation from Fortran 90 Source Code: An Industrial Experience
Accepted Doctoral Symposium Papers
Veronika Bauer.
Facts and fallacies of reuse in practice
Csaba Nagy.
Static Analysis of Data-Intensive Applications
John Businge.
Co-evolution of the Eclipse SDK Framework and its Third-party Plug-ins